Spring Salad of Hulled Buckwheat

20 mins

2 People
160 g of Hulled Buckwheat Molino Filippini
8 asparagus
200 g of broad beans
100 g of peas
1 hard-boiled egg yolk
2 tablespoons chopped mixed herbs to taste (chervil, marjoram, basil, parsley ...)
The juice of one lemon
extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper
Boil the Buckwheat in abundant salted water for about 15 minutes. While the wheat is cooking, wash the asparagus, cut the soft part, and the tips into slices and steam them with the peas for 4-5 minutes. Blanch the beans in boiling salted water for 2-3 minutes; drain and remove the skin that covers them. Drain the Buckwheat and transfer it to a bowl; mix it with the chopped vegetables and herbs, season with salt, pepper, oil, and lemon juice and mix again. Divide the salad into 2 plates, sprinkle the surface with the yolk mashed through a colander, and serve.