We boast a totally allergen-free production process which together with our careful selection of raw materials and rigorous controls guarantee NON-GMO, BIO, GLUTEN FREE products and safe from a hygienic-sanitary point of view.
Semi-finished products for industry
Flours, cereals, mixes for sweet and savory: a wide range of products made with different raw materials capable of satisfying the tastes of those who love to eat healthily and with taste, most of which are Gluten-Free.

Private Label Service
Thanks to the Private Label service Molino Filippini offers its quality with your brand. The entire production together with the certified quality that distinguishes it is available to be packaged with your brand and with a design that we can study and supply to you.

privacy policy per tutte le altre informazioni relative al trattamento dei tuoi dati personali.
I dati personali conferiti saranno trattati dalla Molino Filippini S.r.l, in qualità di Titolare del trattamento, al fine di riscontrare le richieste inoltrate tramite il presente form e saranno conservati per il tempo necessario a fornire riscontro. Consulta la nostra