His majesty the Polenta Taragna
16-04-2020Just like the mountains, it is an integral part of our landscape and is one of the main ingredients of our gastronomic tradition; it was a very important resource for our ancestors and today it is an ally of our health. We are talking about Buckwheat: a raw material that decade after decade has characterized our gastronomic history in dishes as simple as they are unique such as Polenta Taragna!
Present in Valtellina since 1500, today the nutritional properties of Buckwheat have been rediscovered and re-evaluated in an indisputable way: the natural absence of gluten and the high protein value lead it to be counted among the pseudo-cereals and great ally of our health. In the past, it was an indispensable food of peasant cuisine and it is from there that in fact dishes are born that today reflect our gastronomic tradition. They say that every valley has its own polenta, and for us from Valtellina, nothing is more true: here it is black and with a strong taste.
"Our" is Polenta Taragna, a name that derives from "Tarai", the stick used to "tarare" (turn in the Valtellinese dialect). The ingredients that make such a simple dish so different and unique are few but decisive: the addition of "black flour", as we call here Buckwheat Flour, spring water, Casera PDO cheese, and alpine butter. A convivial and tasty dish that you can rediscover at any time in just 5 minutes thanks to our instant Polenta Taragna.
What makes it really different? Our experience in processing buckwheat and steaming directly on the grain, both corn, and buckwheat, in order to preserve all the taste and nutritional properties. You can enjoy it alone or accompanied by cold cuts, sausages, sautéed mushrooms, or a little chicory, in the more traditional versions, but there are also more gourmet or alternative variations such as finger food.