Trio of Cous Cous with chilly beans sauce

40 mins

4 People
100g Cous Cous 100% Buckwheat,
100g Cous Cous 2 Crons,
100g Cous Cous 4 Legumes,
300g boiling water,
60g olive oil,
9g salt,
300g minced meat,
400g canned beans (alternatively about 250g of raw beans),
400g tomato puree,
20g buckwheat flour,
olive oil,
20g of cumin powder,
1 onion,
1 carrot,
1 stalk of celery,
hot pepper (optional).
Put each type of couscous in a different bowl and add 100 g of boiling water, 20 g of oil, and 3 g of salt to each, mix and cover with plastic wrap. Let it rest for at least 10 minutes.
If you choose raw beans, soak them the day before and cook them in salted water. Cut carrots, celery, and onion into small pieces, put everything in a saucepan, brown with the olive oil, add the minced meat and, once everything is browned, add the buckwheat flour, beans, cumin, and tomato puree. Adjust with pepper and salt and to taste with the peperoncino. Cook for about 25/30 minutes.
Dish refinement:
Serve the three types of Cous Cous each in a small container and add the chilly beans sauce. Decorate as desired.