Stick of crispy Polenta

25 mins

4 People
100g express corn flour
400g water
20 g milk
50 g cream
15g butter,
50g parmesan
20 pcs of pitted black olives
Salt to taste
pepper as needed
olive oil
Boil the water, add salt, add the flour with a whisk and cook for 5 minutes. Add milk, butter and cream, cook turning until a fairly compact consistency. Add parmesan and pitted olives. Cover a pan with plastic wrap and pour in the polenta (the thickness of the polenta should be about 2 cm). Cool down.
Cut the polenta into strips (stick). Heat a pan with some oil inside, brown the sticks on the sides.
Dish refinement:
place the sticks on a plate with the cocotte alongside with sauces of your choice (mayonnaise, pink sauce, tartar sauce, etc ...)