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Buckwheat Flour / 500 g

Cod. 11220019

Gluten-free flour obtained from the grinding of Buckwheat. Suitable for giving a unique taste to homemade pasta, pizza, bread, and desserts.

Senza Glutine
Senza Glutine

Cuore saraceno
Scheduled delivery
between the 29/10 and the 01/11.
2,10 €

  • Ingredients


  • Nutritional Information. Average Nutritional Values per 100 g:

    Average Nutritional Values for 100 g

    Energy 1452 kcal 343 kJ
    Fat 2.90 g
    of which saturated 0.62 g
    Carbohydrates 70.10 g
    of which sugars 0.85 g
    Fiber 5.30 g
    Protein 10.80
    Salt 0.004 g

  • Recipe method

    Ingredients per 4 servings:

    400 g of buckwheat flour Molino Filippini
    100 g of flour type 00 
    300 g of potatoes
    400 g of cabbage
    300 g of butter
    200 g of Casera cheese
    6 cloves of garlic
    150 g of grated Parmesan
    salt as taste


    Prepare the vegetables: peel the potatoes and cut them into half-rounds; peel the cabbage, remove the core and divide the leaves in half, removing the rib, then cut them into 2 cm wide strips. Sieve the 00 flour and the buckwheat flour in a bowl; pour 270 g of water, add a pinch of salt and start kneading. Transfer the dough to a floured work surface and knead it briefly with your hands to make it homogeneous and compact. Put a large pot with 6 liters of water on the heat, add salt and, when boiling, pour the cabbage leaves; cook them for 8 ', add the potatoes and cook for 8' from the resumption of boiling. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin until you get a 2 mm thick sheet; First, cut it into strips 10 cm wide, then reduce each strip by cutting it diagonally into strips 1 cm wide. Peel the garlic cloves cut them in half and cook in butter without letting it brown too much. Dice the casera cheese. Dip the pizzoccheri in the water where the cabbage and potatoes are cooked and cook for 10 '. Drain pizzoccheri, potatoes, and cabbage with a slotted spoon arrange them on the plate and toss in layers with the diced cheese, the garlic-free butter, and plenty of grated parmesan. Stir and serve immediately.

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